Enlarged breasts ruin the self-confidence of a lot of men. The cause of the enlargement may be (besides accumulated subcutaneous fat) an imbalance of oestrogen and testosterone in the body causing the mammary gland intumescence (gynecomastia). However, modern plastic surgery can remove this defect in less than two hours.

You will be taken care of directly by a plastic surgeon during the consultation

Choose a convenient date of the surgery at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic

Relax during your recovery so the wounds would heal well

You will go through the necessary medical examination before the procedure
The surgeon will make things clear
A pre-surgery consultation precedes any procedure. You will be taken care of directly by a plastic surgeon (that means the most competent specialist) at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic. You will talk about the ideal solution to your problem and you have the possibility to ask him early on about each of your concerns. So you leave the consultation with a clearer image of the process and the outcome of the planned surgery.

Gynaecomastia is not rare
Male breast enlargement is less exceptional than you think. It occurs during the whole life – puberty, middle age and even higher age. Milder symptoms receive almost no attention. Moreover, they often disappear themselves. Transitional gynaecomastia mainly appears in puberty when the body is undergoing hormonal storms. The best solutions for stronger cases of gynaecomastia in adult males are plastic surgeries of male breasts, possibly combined with liposuction. If the gynaecomastia is rather minor, liposuction may be a good solution as well.
Right before the surgery
Before the procedure, you undergo a pre-surgery examination with blood sampling and ECG. The patients aged over 60 undergo an x-ray of the lungs as well, for smokers the age limit is set at 50+.
What does the surgery consist of
The cut performed by the surgeon is on the edge of the nipple. He removes the intumescent tissue. At the end of the surgery, the surgeon stitches the wound with absorbable sutures; he then puts a sterile bandage and an elastic garment on it.

Overnight at the clinic
Gynaecomastia is performed under general anaesthesia and therefore it is necessary to stay hospitalised after the procedure for a short time. You will have a decent rest there and the doctor will discharge you to domiciliary treatment the next day.
Do not fear scars
The scars will trace the edge of the nipple, so you do not have to be afraid of them being conspicuous. On the contrary, they are very thin and discrete.
Compression garment for better healing
On the fourth day after surgery, you can disinfect the wounds and start to wear an elastic compression garment which reduces swelling and facilitates healing after the surgery. Wear it for 6 weeks.
Tip: It is of no harm to have at least two compression garments in order to wear one when the other is in the washing machine. The wounds need to be kept constantly clean.

Schedule a time off
Take a rest the first days after the surgery and do not push yourself too much. It is necessary for proper regeneration of the treated areas. Take good care of the wounds when washing or any other activity.
When do the bruises disappear
The bruises and swelling will gradually disappear after three weeks. They remain hidden under the elastic garment most of the time. In approximately a month, you can return to sports and other physically demanding activities.
Enjoy greater self-confidence
There is a relatively specific aesthetic assumption what the normal look of male breasts is. Unusually enlarged breasts in men cause unwelcome attention and the man then, in turn, loses his self-confidence. Plain flat or muscular shape of the male breasts is more important for natural self-confidence than it can seem to be. The procedure to improve the aesthetic qualities of the enlarged breasts may be positively reflected in various areas of a man’s life.

The price
The price
The price of the procedure is final, everything necessary is already calculated. It specifically includes the following:
- A consultation with the plastic surgeon
- General anaesthesia
- Compressive postoperative halter garment
- The procedure itself
- A stay at the clinic after the surgery
- A package with postoperative care