We are usually ashamed of talking about problems with our intimate parts. To pretend they do not exist is not a solution. It bothers us inside. If you are annoyed about the size of your penis – whether for objective or subjective reasons, please be aware that modern plastic surgery knows of a procedure which can help you. Penoplasty is performed using method called lipotransfer, i.e. transplantation of fat, and it can enlarge your genitals by approximately 1.5 to 4 cm.

You will be taken care of directly by a plastic surgeon during the consultation

Choose a convenient date of the surgery at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic

Relax during your recovery so the wounds would heal well

You will go through the necessary medical examination before the procedure
The surgeon will make things clear
You get the answers to your questions at the pre-surgery consultation. You will be taken care of directly by a plastic surgeon (that means the most competent specialist) at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic. You will talk about the ideal solution and you have the possibility to ask him early on about each of your concerns. So you leave the consultation with a clearer image of the process and the outcome of the planned surgery.

Stop being ashamed
If you are unhappy with the size or the shape of your genitals, it is reflected in your self-confidence. It is important to have realistic expectations before you undergo penoplasty. These will prevent you from disappointment with the outcome of the surgery. You can expect penis enlargement of 1.5 to 4 cm after penoplasty. It is difficult to determine the exact outcome of the surgery in advance because each body has different limitations which the surgeon finds out during the surgery itself.
Right before the surgery
Before the procedure, you undergo a pre-surgery examination with blood sampling and ECG. The patients aged over 60 undergo an x-ray of the lungs as well, for smokers the age limit is set at 50+.
The unique method – Pure Graft
Lipotransfer (transfer of one’s own fat) is used to lengthen and enlarge the penis. The fat is transferred from one part of the body to another during this procedure. The fat can be transferred from more than one area with very thin clients. The fat is sucked out of the chosen areas by vibration assisted liposuction after setting precise parameters to maintain quality. Then it must be cleaned.
Pure Graft with a closed system is used at Aesthevita. The fat that was sucked out goes directly to the cleaning filters and will not come into contact with the air. Cleaning is a very sensitive part of the surgery. If the fat is not cleaned using a gentle method, it would be devalued. The consequence would be its rapid absorption and other undesirable effects.

What does the surgery consist of
Penoplasty is usually performed under general anaesthesia for maximum comfort of the patient. The intersection of the suspensory ligament and the pubic bone is performed during the surgery. The surgeon performs a small cut so there will be no conspicuous scars after the surgery. The length of the penis at the outcome corresponds to the original length of the insertion which is revealed by the surgeon during the surgery and therefore it is not possible to say in advance how many centimetres of length is possible to add.
Overnight at the clinic
You will stay overnight at the clinic after general anaesthesia. The body needs a proper rest after general anaesthesia and the doctor will check treated areas before he discharges you from the hospital to domiciliary treatment.
Schedule a time off
Stick to a leisurely regime for at least the first few days after surgery. The body tolerates Lipotransfer very well because its own fat is not an extraneous substance. But it is still important to save energy and not to overestimate one’s strength.

Improved hygiene and sexual restraint
Initially, wash your intimate parts several times a day. Strict hygiene minimizes the risk of infection in a healing lesion. Take a break from sports and your sexual life for 4 weeks. Then your body will be ready again for a normal life without restrictions.
You can cool the wound
Besides a leisurely regime immediately after the surgery, it is also helpful for swelling and haematoma to cool the wounds. You can use, for example, hydrogel cooling pads. Swelling and bruising will disappear within 2 weeks.
Enjoy health and self-confidence
Enhancement of genitals means an increase in self-confidence for a man which will be reflected in various areas of his life. Although the change may not be vigorous and it is only an aesthetic modification, the procedure may mean a new beginning in the life of the patient.

The price
The price
The price of the procedure includes the following:
- A consultation with the plastic surgeon
- General anaesthesia
- Compressive postoperative halter garment
- The procedure itself
- A stay at the clinic after the surgery
- A package with postoperative care