Even strict diets often cannot deal with accumulated subcutaneous fat. Instead of hiding it in many ways with appropriate clothing and accessories, you can get rid of it once and for all, and all this is done in a mere hour. Double chin radiofrequency liposuction NeckTite works on the same principle of typical vacuum liposuction and the application of radiofrequency energy (RFAL). This makes it not only highly efficient but gentle as well.

You will be taken care of directly by a plastic surgeon during the consultation

Choose a convenient date of the surgery at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic

Relax during your recovery so the wounds would heal well

You will go through the necessary medical examination before the procedure
Consultation is necessary
Even before scheduling the surgery date, you will have a pre-surgery consultation. You will be taken care of directly by a plastic surgeon (that means the most competent specialist) at the Aesthevita plastic surgery clinic. Ask him/her questions about anything you are curious about. You will leave with a clearer image of what outcome you can expect and what is going to happen.

Where diet did not help, liposuction steps in
Each organism tends to store fat in certain areas. Men usually struggle with its accumulation under the chin but women are no exception to it. Unlike the other parts of the body, a double chin cannot be tamed by exercising. While you are fighting this imperfection for years, the surgical removal of fat using liposuction takes only a few moments and the effects will last forever.
Right before the surgery
Before the procedure, you undergo a pre-surgery examination with blood sampling and ECG. The patients aged over 60 undergo an x-ray of the lungs as well, for smokers the age limit is lowered to 50+.
The progress of the procedure
Sucking out the fat during the process of radiofrequency liposuction is performed by a very thin cannula with a diameter of only a few millimetres which will not leave any significant bruises. Radiofrequency energy effectively dissolves redundant fat and its subsequent sucking is less traumatic for the body. At the same time this has a very positive effect on smoothing the skin. Moreover, it minimizes the emergence of post-surgery haematomas and bruises. Stitching of the wounds with absorbable sutures and an application of a sterile bandage happens at the end of the surgery.

Choose the type of anaesthesia
Radiofrequency liposuction is usually performed under local but also sometimes general anaesthesia. The second option is more comfortable for patients. If you decide for local anaesthesia, take into account the fact that you will feel the pressure of the cannula through which the surgeon sucks out the fat.
Scars remain exiguous
With regard to the incision with a diameter of only a few millimetres, no significant reminder of the surgery will be left under your chin. You do not have to worry that anyone might notice the little scar.
Resting is essential
Although radiofrequency liposuction is gentle on the body, rest for the first days after the surgery. Then you can return to everyday office work and gradually to other activities to which you are accustomed.

Wear a halter
Wear a special elastic halter consistently for at least two weeks after the liposuction. It plays an important role in the post-surgery recovery.
When do the bruises disappear
There is probably no surgery that doesn’t result in bruising and swelling. They are the body’s natural reaction. Small bruises and swelling will disappear within two weeks after the radiofrequency liposuction.
The fat won’t return to the same area
The fat will not be stored in the treated area again; liposuction removed the fat cells from there for good. But if you feel your dietary habits are not ideal, after the liposuction might be the right time to change that. The body will easily find another space where fat can be stored, therefore removing fat from one part of the body cannot stop overall fat storage.

The price
The price
The price of the procedure is final, everything necessary is already calculated. It specifically includes the following:
- A consultation with the plastic surgeon
- Anaesthesia
- The procedure itself
- A package with postoperative care